- Habilitation in Physics in 2014 (Contributions to modeling and simulation of physical processes with hysteresis)
- D.Sc. 'Magna cum Laude' in Physics (magnetism) in 2001. (The Effect of the Reversible Magnetisation Processes on the Magnetisation Mechanism of the Ferromagnetic Particulate System)
- M.Sc. in Physics in 1996
- B.Sc. in Technical Physics 1995
- 1996-1998 — Research assistant within the Department of Electricity and Physical Electronics, Faculty of Physics, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University.
- 1998-2001 — Teaching assistant within the Department of Electricity and Physical Electronics, Faculty of Physics, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University. While completing the PhD research activity, the job involved the conducting of laboratories and seminars.
- 2001-2007 — Lecturer within the Department of Electricity and Physical Electronics, Faculty of Physics, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University.
- 2007-2019 — Associate Professor within the Department of Solid State Physics, Faculty of Physics, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University.
- since 2019 — Professor within the Department of Physics, Faculty of Physics, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University.
Courses and labs
- Parallel programming (MSc level)
- Electricity and Magnetism (BSc level)
- Introduction to the Modelling of Physical Processes (BSc level)
- The Modelling of the Physical Processes (MSc level)
- Using Computers in the Teaching of Physics (both BSc and MSc levels)
- Multimedia Technologies (BSc level)
- ICT in Education (BSc level)
- Databases (I and II) (BSc level)
- Programming languages (I and II) (BSc level)
- 2022 — visiting professor, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, USA.
- 2018 — visiting professor, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, USA.
- 2018 — visiting researcher, IMEC, Leuven, Belgium.
- 2006 — Research fellow at the Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics, Faenza and University of Genoa, both in Italy, funded in the framework of the COST 525 programme.
- 2000-2001 — 6 months research grant at the Centre of Materials Science, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK, funded by the Romanian Government.
- June 2000 — Summer School: NATO-ASI Magnetic Storage Systems Beyond 2000, Rhodes, Greece, organised by George Washington University, USA.
- 1999 — 5 months research grant at Technische Universitat, Vienna, Austria, funded by the Socrates Program (more information) ( - broken link!).
- 1996 — 3 months research grant at the Laboratoire de Magnetisme et D'Optique, Universite de Versailles, France, funded by the Tempus Program.
- June 1995 — Summer School: Magnetisme des Nanoparticules et des Materiaux Nanophases, Iasi, Romania.
Scientific techniques and skils
- Knowledge regarding general experimental techniques and principles.
- Experimental vector magnetic measuring techniques acquired during the 6 months research project at the Centre for Materials Science, University of Lancashire, Preston, UK, under the supervision of professor Philip R. Bissell
- Thorough modelling and simulations knowledge and experience obtained in operating with vector Preisach-type models and Landau-Lifshitz systems to describe magnetic particulate systems. Recent experience with finite element method and with parallel programing obtained while implementing and using magpar: and mumax
- Experience in programming, numerical techniques and experimental data analysis (C/C++, Python, Julia, Fortran, Java, Maple, MatLab, Qt).
- Other programming skils (Databases - MySQL/PHP, Visual Basic, HTML, 2D and 3D Graphics - Java 3D, OpenGL).
- Advanced numerical analysis (CUDA, OpenMPI and other parallelization frameworks, VNI-IMSL, GSL).
Other educational activities
- 1999 — Graduate of the "LOLA - Learn About Open Learning" course organised by the Heriot-Watt University from Edinburgh, UK and PHARE Program.
- Founding member of the Iasi Distance Education Study Centre, established within the PHARE Multi-Country Programme for Distance Education.
- Co-author of the textbooks "Modern Educational Technologies" and "Programs for Windows".
- since 2010 — Different ARACIS Certifications.
Professional organisations memberships
- since 2020 — President of the Physics Comittee of the Romanian National Council for Scientific Research (CNCS)
- 2016 — Member of the Romanian National Council for Scientific Research (CNCS)
- since 2011 — Senior IEEE Member.
- since 2005 — Secretary of the IEEE Magnetics Society Chapter of the Romania Section;
- since 2002 — Member of the IEEE - Magnetics Society